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Bekner RCM-02 Non Stick Achappam Maker/Achumurukku Maker/Achappam Mould with Stay Cool Handle (Rose Cookie Maker) 0.3 kg Roaster (Black, Silver)

Offer Price ₹ 489.00

MRP ₹ 999.00

Save 52%


  • Make delicious achappam/rose cookie without any hassle
  • Heat the Achappam mold in oil. Dip 3/4th in the batter and shake it off into the hot oil. Flip and fry in oil for a minute or two, drain into paper towel and let it cool
  • Results Tasty and Nice Looking Acappam/Murukku/Cookies
  • Rust free material and Plastic Handle for comfortable holding


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For a Damaged, Defective, Wrong or expired item, you can request a refund or replacement within 5 days of delivery

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