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RKPM HOMES Cake Candy Pastry Decorating Icing Smoother Cream Scraper Fondant Polisher Finisher Cake Baking Finishing Tools/Fondant Smoothener Cream Spreading (Purple Handle)

Offer Price ₹ 499.00

MRP ₹ 699.00

Save 29%


  • Worried about how to smoothen out messy cake? Here is the Cake Smoother which is brilliant for smoothing and polishing
  • Cake Smoother is the best tool to get the desired smoothness on the cake. Use this Cake Smoother and get the desired Professional Finish on the Cakes.
  • Lift the Fondant or Sugarpaste and place it on the cake. Smoothen it out with this Cake Smoother.
  • You will receive professional like result with cake smoother. It can also be used to smoothen the cream on the cake.
  • Made of Good and Durable Quality of Plastic


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