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DAMENSCH Men's Trunks Pack of 2

Offer Price ₹ 1060.00

MRP ₹ 1196.00

Save 12%


Size Chart

COLOUR : Loyal Maroon, Sailor Blue;Jet Black, Pine Green II

Option 1
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Option 1
Option 1
Option 1
Option 1


About this item

  • Zero odour. 100% confidence: Imagine the confidence, your underwear can bring to you in every occasion if you knew it can cancel odour. Thatâ€s what ReFRSH Innerwear is able to do - cancel your bodyâ€s odour and reduce bacteria formation with the power of Earth-Mint fabric panel
  • Soft, stretchy, shiny: The choicest of fabric blends - finished with added softness, stretch and sheen. Available in solid and melange design with sturdy waistband that will not roll, hereâ€s a solution to achieving world peace.
  • 0


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