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Piercell Automatic Yogurt Maker Machine With Stainless Steel Inner Container With Temperature Control Electric Curd Maker Machine For Home Kitchen 1L Automatic Yogurt Maker(multicolor)

Offer Price ₹ 446.00

MRP ₹ 1299.00

Save 66%


  • Make Yogurt The Right Way: Yogurt can improve your gut, and overall, health if made right - unlike other yogurt makers, ours ferments milk at the right temperature so you get more long-lasting probiotics in every batch you make
  • Easily Boost Your Gut Health: With its fully-automatic feature, our yogurt maker for home just needs you to plug it in to start making yogurt or natto and rice wine, other great sources of probiotics
  • Take Care of Your Family Affordably: Thanks to its 1-litre capacity, our yogurt machine will let you make enough healthy and nutritious yogurt to share with your loved ones
  • Only Good Gut Bacteria: Unlike other yogurt makers, ours features a 304 food-grade stainless steel pot to effectively prevent the growth of harmful bacteria, making it the safest, most sanitary choice
  • Efficient Yogurt Maker: Combining a PTC heating system, ensuring uniform heating, with a dual sealing, our machine can efficiently produce up to 3 litres of fresh, probiotic-rich yogurt every 24 hours


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